Learn the foundational elements of tenders
and bidding to start tendering with confidence.
Want to grow your business and start tendering, but unsure where to begin? A tendering expert will provide guidance on the right platforms to have in place – before you begin bidding.
Together, we will review example tenders, check the requirements against your business systems, and make sure you have the information prepared to tender effectively.
Cost: $498 (including GST)
Study time: 2 x 1.5-hour sessions
Delivery format: Virtual private coaching
Gain an overview of both sides of bidding to understand what tenders and tendering are all about, including what’s required to bid compliantly and competitively.
Understand how tendering fits into the procurement process, and the key requirements for developing the price and the non-price elements of a proposal.
Cost: $395 (including GST)
Study time: 2.5–3 hours
Delivered: Self-paced online course
Join like-minded professionals and improve your understanding of the tender fundamentals in a small virtual classroom environment.
Gain an overview of how tendering fits into the procurement process, and the key elements required for developing a compliant and competitive proposal.
Cost: $297 (including GST)
Study time: 3-hour session
Delivered: Virtual classroom course
Receive coaching from a bid expert in a private virtual environment. Receive personalised instruction suited to your unique tendering and business requirements.
The learnings can be customised to meet your objectives and will focus on the fundamental elements of tendering from both sides of bidding.
Cost: $547 (including GST)
Study time: 2 x 1.5-hour sessions
Delivery format: Virtual coaching